Wednesday, August 3, 2016

82page views thanking you :P

So far I got 82page views yay :D on my 100cal diet started yesterday and Only drinking drinks don't think Id turn into a fish ...just a detox and detox it all out all the fat and the other day I was in the beautisons and got my nails done with pandas nail Art on each nail.Took over 3hours to do and the UV light burnt my nails,One nail broke off with in 2days and then I decied to clip it all off (the panda nail art) and now it looks like I got shellak nails :) I dont think Ill ever go back to getting GEL NAILS done ..if its only lasting for a few days..Pepper mint tea with 3-4 sweetners  is a great way to detox to start the diet Im usless on the Bootcamp  I tend to purge it all and then I eat too many calories in one portion and even I get green Sick some times I get so hungry and the food digestese very quickly unless its over 3L of vomit.Over 3L of Sick you get a good vomit (when you see green bile-thats how you know that you got all of the food out :D) drink plently when horing food.My favouirtuie is Chinese,2-1,noodles with sweet and sour sauce on the will not be able to get rid of the weight if you purge anything sugary ,if you do eat anything suagry don't say I didint warn you..COKE ZERO has 0-5calories in one bottle.Things like ICECREAM is also very very good to help with the 3L of vomit and is quickly to purge.OJ(orange juice) is good for it aswell.Don't forget to Hide it all  just incase :S Wearing baggy pants is always good and helps with the hunger,Drink plenty of WATER and watch some TV when your feeling some cravings and if the staff make you wanna EAT .DO NOT BAKE,DO NOT MAKE ONE OR MORE MEAL(like a sunday dinner,which has more then one thing,EG,Potatoes,Roasties,vegeatbles,gravy ,garlic potatoes) a good tip is stay with one thing at a time like if your going to get some thing like TEA AND TOAST have one or the other.My tip is stay under your calorie intake every day that way you can stay under and not want to get cravings.Never say ur going to never have food ever again,instead say drink as much as you want this inclueds LOW CALOIRE SOUP,WATER,GREEN TEA,SWEETED HOT CHOCLATE,COKE ZERO,DIET COKE,DIET 7UP,ECT..

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