Monday, April 24, 2017


UgH IM SO FATTTT,I'm on Zeprexica also Olansapine to stop me from Purging (bulmia) its like a drug that makes you eat more and crave Cheesy pasta bake and Garlic potatoes :( YUM YUM says the staff but I say NO waY not me!!! Jeez why does life suck so much everyone is all bordoom weirdos that smile too much and then wreck the whole house!! aaaah! um so Im just going to detox this time  Its driving me crazy,... Boys want to date me,Girls want to be me. :P SO Im going to use the meds as a movitvation skill and get loads of thinspo from it instead of gaining pounds..Im not afaird of eating chessy pasta bake is the Calories that makes you fat and if you have to EAT like that every week/month u'll get gigantic boobs and a big butt :(